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Сообщение Добавлено: Пт июн 07, 2013 9:32 Заголовок сообщения: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Вс ноя 02, 2008 12:02
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Сообщение Добавлено: Пт июн 07, 2013 10:44 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Прекрасная статья!!! Спасибо, Леночка!

с уважением,
Кхалиси Магдалена
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Сообщение Добавлено: Сб июн 08, 2013 10:32 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Вс ноя 02, 2008 12:02
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Всегда пожалуйста! :wink:

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Сообщение Добавлено: Ср авг 07, 2013 1:14 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Вс ноя 02, 2008 12:02
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Над чем я могу работать уже сейчас? Вопросы-ответы!

Представленная ранее статья – это определенная часть методических разработок преподавателя. В ней освещен лишь один из возможных подходов. Я бы даже сказала, источников вдохновения для тех, кто не просто ведет группу здоровья, а работает с учениками разного уровня «преподавательской сложности» :-). Материал довольно объемный, как впрочем, и все поле нашей деятельности. Мне, как педагогу, очень приятно, что те, кто связался со мной, настолько заинтересованы в нем. Ведь вы стремитесь развиваться и совершенствоваться, а это самое главное! Более того, благодаря вам, я получила достаточно материала, чтобы раскрыть тему и помочь адаптироваться большему числу танцовщиц .

Итак, один из наиболее распространенных (и наиболее мною ожидаемых) вопросов.

В: «Все что мне нужно, это взять уроки по пилатесу? Или дело не только в нем? И еще, мне интересно, почему Вы выбрали именно пилатес?»

О: «Начну с последнего вопроса. Ответ на него частично представлен в первом абзаце статьи. Пилатес идеально подходит танцорам по многим параметрам. И это не только мое мнение, но и многих всемирно известных хореографов. Что касается меня лично, за годы танцевальной практики я исследовала различные системы, стемясь понять суть и выявить наиболее полезный материал для работы с учениками. Я понимала, что не все «схватывают на лету», но каждый приходящий в мой класс, мечтает прекрасно танцевать и моя задача – помочь им в этом! Пилатес – это далеко не все, но многое! И этот метод важно правильно использовать. Регулярное и довольно продолжительное посещение занятий по пилатесу, безусловно, меняет вас и ваше восприятие (см. исходную статью). Но если мы стремимся понять суть, необходимо разобраться с основными принципами и особенностями их взаимодействия. А, что наиболее актуально, наиболее продуктивно применить полученные знания в танцевальной практике!»…


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Сообщение Добавлено: Сб авг 17, 2013 12:41 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Вс ноя 02, 2008 12:02
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Еще чуть-чуть... Спасибо иностранным коллегам за вдохновение, а нашим за поддержку! :kissing: :rose:

Thanks to girls from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, who appreciate my work so highly. I have a great opportunity to share it with you and to clarify it to you. Besides, thanks to bellydancers from Poland and Greece, it’s decided to translate all the stuff.


As you know, bellydance is not just a “dry technique”, it’s true feelings and total harmony inside of you. Let's try to find it!

Very soon... )))


Студия "Тасним" вконтакте

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Сообщение Добавлено: Пт авг 23, 2013 11:10 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Нет предела совершенству! © Автор: Amira Hasna 
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Вс ноя 02, 2008 12:02
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Вот и готова долгожданная английская версия! :)
Размещается специально для тех, кто жаждет попрактиковаться в языках. :maladca:
Спасибо, девчонки, за вашу поддержку! :friends1:


Methodological materials prepared by Amira Hasna (Elena Kulish)

(English version)

There are quite a few Oriental practices and systems that promote mental and physical perfection when used right, and allow a dancer to open up from a new, unknown side. A teacher with many years of experience and with a full method of teaching often uses one system as his basic system. In this article I offer for your consideration a method of a well-known specialist who has worked with dancers for over ten years. The method of Joseph Pilates is better known these days as the Pilates system.
It is interesting that there is a historically related direct connection between classes using the system and between various dance styles. Joseph Pilates himself did not set a goal of popularizing his method among dancers. However, dance community members themselves were the first ones in the USA to evaluate all the method's advantages, using the training technique to restore energy as well as for further development and improvement. All five direct students — Kathy Grant, Romana Kryzanowska, Ron Fletcher, Eve Gentry, Carola Trier were dancers who came to the studio to rehabilitate after professional traumas. Over the years of master's teaching, thousands of New York dancers went through his studio having appreciated his method for its results. Back then those were ballroom, flamenco, ballet, jazz dancers, and now we've got dancers of more relaxed styles (contemporary, jazz-modern, contact improvization). And what about the Oriental direction? All those who work with themselves and improve themselves, join in!
So, the Pilates method uses a systemic approach that implies mandatory use of 8 principles. Their detailed description has already been given in one of the previous articles. There is an undeniable direct dependence between the systematic use of these principles (in studies, during everyday life) and the result received on stage.

1) Relaxation
Relaxation promotes finding zones of undesirable tension and helps to get rid of it. It's necessary to take into account both total and partial relaxation (in particular, for the zones of main pressure (shoulder girdle, neck)).

2) Concentration
Relaxation helps to get rid of other thoughts and concentrate on your body. After you concentrate and get fully absorbed in your feelings, you develop a kinesthetic feeling inside, the feeling of the body, the realization what place in space each of its parts takes up and what it does at the same time. Understanding is what makes movements more gracious, harmonious and stable. As a result of future work, the muscles become more pliable, and the joints become more flexible. Pushing your body for more development with each repeated motion you improve not only the technique but the feeling of dance as well. Let the experienced dance moves become automatic with time, it's still necessary to concentrate on them because there is always a higher level that we can strive for.

3) Alignment
The importance of correct posture is undeniable for a dancer. And this is not just about the esthetic perception of the dancer by the audience, but about the risk reduction of getting professional traumas. Without giving enough attention to the correct placement of joints, you risk harming them as well as exasperating the imbalance in the muscles around. Correct positional relationsip, and, in a way, aligning separate parts of your body is a critically important safety factor and a significant need to restore the muscular balance.
Correct foot alignment requires even body weight distribution for two imagined triangles (with the top vertex at the bottom) in the initial position, maintaining the balance in movement and a quite significant «being able to feel the foot».
The neutral pelvic position in both planes (the vertical and the frontal ones) taking into account providing freedom for the muscles around the pelvis joint is the initial protection for the zone dangerous for dancers — the lumbar and sacral spine.
Besides, the principle of alignment takes into consideration shoulder blade and shoulder girdle stabilization in the initial position and partial stabilization of the shoulder blade during movement.
As for the joint technique, it's no secret for anyone how important it is to improve the joints for a modern Oriental dancer. But unfortunately, the majority of beginner dancers are not ready for this intense work without receiving instructions previously. And now the question of qualification and the level of coach's preparation comes up. There are a lot of details that cannot be taken into account in one theme article. When talking about the joint technique it's important to remember about the need of joint interrelation (from the foot and the ankle joint through the knee to the hip joint). In order to avoid traumas in the knee joint that always linger on, it's necessary to stress leg stretching (involving all joints), and not knee popping. Using for additional exercises helps to learn the joint technique easier significantly decreasing the risk of getting traumas at the same time.

4) Breathing
The chest (side) breathing style slowly activates the muscles between ribs which improves agility of the top part of the body. Control over the speed and the depth of breathing helps to speed up or, to the contrary, slow down making movements when necessary. This is especially relevant in working with music snippets, where the work speeds in significantly higher than the average. Making «percussive» movements when air is breathing out will save from suffering excessive strain, improves dancing endurance, allows to relax in movement and will not let stop breathing. It's important to remember that long cessation of breathing puts too much undesired pressure and can lead to serious complications.

5) Centering
The center is created by three muscle groups that are practically start to work at the same time with the right preparation. We are, first of all, interested in the transverse muscle of abdomen. With creating a «strong center» you protect lower spine regions from unnecessary pressure, and, therefore, you encourage optimal work of all organs in the abdominal cavity and in the lower pelvis, as well as promote adequate blood circulation in lower extremities.
The lower body part movements, as it was said above, go through the main joint points, and after that are «consumed» by the stomach, first of all, by its lower part. Using it when breathing the air out you achieve even more sensitive movement performance, you activate («according to all the rules of both oriental and Pilates methods») the female power, energy and sensitivity concentration, like some «magical point».

6) Coordination
To coordinate the existing skills correctly, doing dance movements and using their most harmonious space combination is not easy at the beginning. However, slowly, the actions that are remembered in the muscle memory become automatic. Our brain from the very beginning remembers well the sequence of performing each movement. And though the nervous system is quite flexible and can get used to changing conditions, rebuilding itself during training, it's very important from the very beginning to learn the correct dance technique not to have to go back. So, inputting high quality information starting from the simplest (basic) movements, more and more complex combinations line up step by step. It is like you are constantly changing the benchmark, throwing a new challenge to your body. At the same time, no matter what movements are being worked on, each muscle at this stage works on its own issue, and the correct posture and full breathing are observed.

7) Continuity, evenness, fluidity of movements - flow
The systematic Pilates approach to body as one whole encourages more elegant, connected and natural movements that smoothly change from one to another, keeping the necessary rhythm. There is no need to move too slowly or too fast, everything is very harmonious. The movement starts in the center and goes to the periphery to be absorbed by the center again.

8 ) Endurance
Increasing overall endurance is achieved by step-by-step increase in training intensity. Achieving the optimal muscular balance promotes the accumulation of stamina, and the energy is no longer wasted on unnecessary stress and painful movements. This way Pilates helps to prepare the body for dance classes and stress as well as to restore the muscular balance after them.
Every person, no matter what his professional occupation is, gets different type of benefit from the Pilates system. But this method still offers an infinite number of priceless advantages for everyone, including both physical and mental state advantages. The most relevant for dancers and, in particular, for performers of Oriental dances are the following:
• Flexibility improves
• Extra stress is relieved
• Posture improves
• The effectiveness of the breathing, cardiovascular, lymphatic systems improves
• The strength of separate muscle groups increases
• The general and particular correction effect is achieved
• Professional pains are relieved
• The density of bones and the flexibility of joints improve
• The number of traumas decreases
• Professional results improve
It's possible that this could sound too good to be true, but if the approach is correct and if these exercises are done regularly, any person can feel these advantages on himself. Join in and develop!


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